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The Importance of Sports and Games

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“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy.” A keen sport is an integral part of our daily life. It strengthens the body, hardens the muscles, increases the appetite and blood circulation, improves respiration and nourishes both the mind and the soul. To feel the dewy grass crunch beneath your feet, the wind whip your cheeks and the blood tingle in your veins is worth all TV programs combined together. Several health issues that today’s children face can be reduced by giving importance to sports and games. A good run or a good and fast game leaves a child refreshed and ready for tomorrow’s work. From children with pale cheeks and heavy eyelids, they are transformed into happy and healthy youngsters with rosy and chubby cheeks, glowing eyes and the healthy plumpness that characterises a person who lives in communion with Mother Nature. Being exposed to games and sports where quick thinking and deft action matter a lot, the young children develop the ability to take quick decisions.

However the present generation is engrossed in laptops and mobile phones and are busy playing games or listening to music. Their lives have been tied down to their sofas. As a result, the children develop spinal problems, head ache, blindness and some children even lack the ability to control their emotions. Children who live in a world of technology soon fall prey to depression and move away from their families leading to fearful consequences. A number of de-addiction centres are being set up all over the world to help children who are addicted to mobile phones. The current technology has laid its sinewy claws on the present generation and immediate steps have to be taken.

Parents have to strictly make sure that a time limit is kept for the children to make use of their phones or TV sets. Children should not be permitted to use internet without the supervision of their parents. Parents should make their children spent a specific time outdoors and they should be encouraged to take part in games and sports competitions. Children should take the initiative to set up clubs to promote the importance of sports and games in daily life. In schools, the PE periods should be utilised carefully for the entire body development of each child. Cross country walks and nature rambles should be encouraged. Even specially challenged children should be included in sports as their health is of equal importance.

Now is the time to do something, to do something before it is too late. Let us pull the children out of the dreadful abyss of technology and let them bask in the glory of arts and sports.