Hannah | Official Website of Hannah Alice Simon

About Me

Looking back at the years that have gone by, I feel that my life is nothing short of a miracle. God has continued to shower his wonderful and glorious blessings up on me through the past years. My life has just grown more beautiful. The little three year old blind girl who clung to her mother’s hand and started nervously at every strange sound has grown into a fifteen year old girl who delights in writing, composing and singing songs for Jesus. Isn’t the transformation wonderful!

The road was not always easy. There were several disheartening instances when I buried myself in my mother’s lap and burst into tears. There were times when we were up against a dead wall. But Jesus was always with us, helping us to bare the burdens. There were a hundred instances in my life when Jesus has comforted me through my parents. It was my parents who taught me to love Jesus. They taught me to pray and ask my heavenly father for all that I wanted. They taught me the simple faith and I learnt from the examples that they set before me. I remember the small verse that my father taught me when I was just a little girl. Philippians 4:13, “I have the strength to face all the conditions by the power that Christ gives me. I tell you! This small verse is the secret behind my success. Before I step onto a stage to perform or before I write an exam, I whisper this verse to myself and I know that Jesus is right by my side and is ready to fight my battles for me. It was to my mother that I poured out all the sorrows in my heart. I can still remember the way she breathed those encouraging words into my ears and comforted me. Now I know that Jesus was speaking through my mother. My father was a great comrade to me. We romped, played and laughed and it looked as if he was just a schoolboy. My brothers are one of the most precious gifts that God has presented me. Though I quarrel with Hanok, he is a real and true brother, sticking up for me if anyone tries to hurt my feelings. Daniel is still my little baby and he is the one who brought out the mother feeling in me. My friends are undisguised blessings. They are the truest and the most loyal chums a girl can ever have. Whenever I feel down in the dumps, I can always trust them to bring me out of the valley of despair and to make me laugh.

Getting an admission in a normal school was another miracle. The teachers have been like guardian angels to me and their influences will always remain with me.

There was a time when I hated singing. Can you believe it! But God had different plans for me. It was for a nature programme that I and my friend composed our first song. A few months later my father asked me to compose a song praising Jesus. I never thought I could do it, and uploading the song on youtube was farthest from my thoughts. Today God is working through me. I am his instrument to serve him and to praise him. Today Hannah Alice Simon is a living Testimonial of Jesus”

My greatest wish is to serve Jesus and I hope I will be able to serve him faithfully. I want to sing praises all over the world. I want to serve with all my heart and I hope that selfishness and pride will not come In my way. Of course the way will be hard at some points. But I know in my heart that Jesus will smooth out all those rough edges if I only trust in him completely.

God’s plans are incomprehensible to man. But God does everything with a motive of love. The plans that He has woven for me and you are much more beautiful than we can possibly imagine. There was a time when I felt disheartened because my friends teased and avoided me. Today I realise that these tribulations were blessings in disguise. They have strengthened my character and will help me to undertake the great work that God wants me to do. There is something for each of us to do. Even if it is small in the eyes of man it will be glorious in the eyes of God. Let us do it together. Let us join hands and praise Him. Let us all share in God’s great happiness to which his children are entitled.

Hannah Alice Simon