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The floodgates have opened

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The steady downpour of rain for several days caused great havoc in the state of Kerala. Hundreds of people were killed and property worth a lot of money was completely destroyed. The floodgates of heaven opened and drenched the whole state, causing mighty rocks to tremble and collapse. The merciless waters destroyed everything from trees to large houses built out of hard work and all the money the people had. The floods washed the smiles from our faces and replaced it with a look of sheer despair. But when the floodgates of heaven opened to create such large-scale destruction, the floodgates of the human hearts also opened to pour out all the love, consideration, loyalty and sympathy that had been stored up in all our hearts for these past years.

It was only when a calamity befell us that the true and noble Malayali awakened. Till this time we wasted our lives, looking for our pleasure and leading singularly selfish lives. But when the whole community was affected, the real chivalry and loyalty that have been lying dormant in our hearts came to the surface. Never have I seen Malayalis working together in perfect harmony other than in the time of this grave calamity that brought us all together irrespective of wealth, caste distinctions and gender differences. People worked tirelessly, unceasingly and selflessly for those poor mortals who lost everything. I fear to think of the dreadful fate that would have overtaken all those disheartened and weary people if the valiant and courageous Keralites had not stepped in to comfort and serve their fellow brothers. Wonderful is the feeling of unity that exists among us in this present situation. Women have left their safe corners and have stepped outside to lend a helping hand. Youngsters who were considered irresponsible and lazy beings have won credit through their praiseworthy conduct. Men have left their wives and mothers to stay overnight in the evacuation camps. Even the older citizens of Kerala had their bit to do. Children gave up their play time and worked in call centres and in store rooms to packing for needy. But the community whose help is to be most appreciated is the fisher folk. They not only gave up their boats to the service, but they also heartily joined in the rescue operation. Even when trees and rocks hurled themselves against these frail boats, these fishermen persistently stuck to their task with the grim determination which is akin to courage. This simple and poor group who have been looked down upon by the other communities have brought succour to millions of people left stranded on rooftops. They have been the means of saving the lives of thousands of people.

It shows what Kerala can really do when the need arises! I feel like crying, “three cheers for dear old Kerala and its Keralites”! All those noble qualities that have been hidden in our hearts have come to the surface at last! Kerala will never be the same again because the floodgates of our hearts have really and truly opened! I am positive that before long the indomitable will and the undaunted courage of the Keralites will bring Kerala to the vanguard once again.

God helps those who help themselves.

Hip! Hip! Hurray!